Saving lives at sea: Hartlepool RNLI volunteer awarded for 20 years of service

Hartlepool RNLI volunteer crewmember Darren Killick (left) pictured receiving his 20 year service award from Hartlepool RNLI coxsawin Robbie Maiden during a presentation at the Ferry Road lifeboat station. Picture: RNLI/Tom Collins.Hartlepool RNLI volunteer crewmember Darren Killick (left) pictured receiving his 20 year service award from Hartlepool RNLI coxsawin Robbie Maiden during a presentation at the Ferry Road lifeboat station. Picture: RNLI/Tom Collins.
Hartlepool RNLI volunteer crewmember Darren Killick (left) pictured receiving his 20 year service award from Hartlepool RNLI coxsawin Robbie Maiden during a presentation at the Ferry Road lifeboat station. Picture: RNLI/Tom Collins. | Other 3rd Party
A Hartlepool RNLI volunteer has been presented with a 20 years of service award.

Volunteer Darren Killick was handed the accolade by coxswain Robbie Maiden during a presentation night, held at the Ferry Road lifeboat station.

Darren, 50, joined the crew after being in the Royal Navy for 13 years and currently volunteers as an inshore lifeboat helm and second coxswain and mechanic for the all-weather lifeboat

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He said: “When I left the Royal Navy I still wanted something to do with the sea and enjoy the camaraderie of being a crew member that comes with it so I became a volunteer with the RNLI and have enjoyed every moment.

Hartlepool RNLI volunteer crew member Darren Killick. Picture: RNLI/Tom Collins.Hartlepool RNLI volunteer crew member Darren Killick. Picture: RNLI/Tom Collins.
Hartlepool RNLI volunteer crew member Darren Killick. Picture: RNLI/Tom Collins. | Other 3rd Party

‘”he time has literally flown since I started volunteering to save lives at sea with the charity and looking back during my time here one of the most memorable moments was when I was part of the lifeboat crew who won a ‘Pride of Britain Award’ for rescuing a person who was trapped in rocks at Seaton Carew as the tide was coming in.

“Iv'e been involved in numerous rescues over the years but it’s a great feeling of satisfaction and pride when along with your crew mates you can help someone in trouble at sea.”

Darren, who is a Precision Testing Officer with Openreach, also thanked wife Denise and daughters Emily and Rhianna for their support.

Hartlepool RNLI Coxswain Robbie Maiden added: “Darren’s commitment with the RNLI at Hartlepool has been fantastic.”