Star Wars geek Craig Hignett to be Stormtrooper at Plymouth Argyle v Hartlepool United

Shoot on sight: StormtroopersShoot on sight: Stormtroopers
Shoot on sight: Stormtroopers
Star Wars 'geek' Craig Hignett says he could join in Hartlepool United's fancy-dress fun at Plymouth Argyle '“ by dressing as a Stormtrooper to do his team-talk!

The Pools boss said he is thrilled that Stormtroopers, from the hit movie, will be the theme to end the 2015-16 season at Home Park a week on Saturday.

It has become tradition for Pools fans attending the last away games of the campaign in fancy dress.

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This week, organiser, John Pearson announced that supporters would dress as Stormtroopers and that has gone down well with the gaffer.

“Plymouth away is a great day,” said Hignett. “It’s a highlight for me because I’m a massive Star Wars geek.

“I absolutely love Star Wars and I’m half thinking of dressing like a Stormtrooper and giving the team-talk.

“I’ll see what happens – it’s been an ambition of mine to get dressed up as Darth Vader or as a Stormtrooper.

“Finally now, next Saturday it may be realised.”

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Previously, fans have dressed as Smurfs, Oompa Loompas, Penguins and Where’s Wally.

Four years ago, a picture of scores of Smurfs taking the escalator at Kings Cross Underground station en route to Charlton Athletic, taken by the Northern Echo’s Pools writer, Nick Loughlin, went viral on the internet.

Twelve months ago, hundreds of fans enjoyed a Bob Marley-themed reggae party at Carlisle United, where then boss, Ronnie Moore, also got in on the act.