Winter cash boost for Hartlepool foodbank

Hartlepool Foodbank coordinator Abi Knowles (left) with warehouse coordinator Lisa Lavender.Hartlepool Foodbank coordinator Abi Knowles (left) with warehouse coordinator Lisa Lavender.
Hartlepool Foodbank coordinator Abi Knowles (left) with warehouse coordinator Lisa Lavender.
Hartlepool Borough Council is to donate a further £9,000 to the town's foodbank.

The contribution is aimed at helping with the running costs during the winter months.

This move comes as councillors on the Finance and Policy Committee have agreed to allocate a proportion of the remaining funds from their Child and Family Poverty Reserve.

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Hartlepool Borough Council leader Christopher Akers-Belcher.Hartlepool Borough Council leader Christopher Akers-Belcher.
Hartlepool Borough Council leader Christopher Akers-Belcher.

The £9,000 donation is in addition to the recent annual contribution of £8,000 from the Local Welfare Support Fund.

Hartlepool council says its ongoing commitment to the town’s foodbank is reflected by the financial support provided since its inception in 2012, a figure which now stands at £73,700.

Members of Hartlepool Borough Council’s Finance and Policy Committee have also agreed to allocate the remaining £9,500 from the Child and Family Poverty Reserve towards an extension of the successful ‘Filling the Holiday Gap’ scheme.

This will enable organisations that were supported to run healthy food projects throughout the summer to run similar schemes to support their most disadvantaged families over the Christmas holiday period.

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Hartlepool Borough Council leader Christopher Akers-Belcher.Hartlepool Borough Council leader Christopher Akers-Belcher.
Hartlepool Borough Council leader Christopher Akers-Belcher.

Coun Christopher Akers-Belcher, chairman of Hartlepool Borough Council’s Finance and Policy Committee, said: “We are aware that there are high levels of deprivation in parts of our town so I am delighted we are able to support Hartlepool Foodbank in this way, particularly in the run up to Christmas.

“I’m also pleased that we are able to extend our successful ‘Filling the Holiday Gap’ scheme which saw thousands of meals being served to children during the course of the six-week summer holiday.

“Making this funding available shows how Hartlepool Borough Council is determined to stand up for the town’s most hard-pressed families despite the huge financial pressure it is under following years of Government budget cuts.”

Clive Hall, chairman of Hartlepool Foodbank, said: “We are very grateful for the ongoing support we receive from Hartlepool Borough Council.

“The support we receive from the council, along with generous members of the public, enables us to maintain the good work of the foodbank.”