Bid to create one-way system along two adjoining Hartlepool roads is defeated

Plans for a one-way system for motorists in two adjoining Hartlepool streets have been defeated.Plans for a one-way system for motorists in two adjoining Hartlepool streets have been defeated.
Plans for a one-way system for motorists in two adjoining Hartlepool streets have been defeated.
Councillors have knocked back plans to form a one-way system on two adjoining roads following objections from residents.

Proposals went before Hartlepool Borough Council Neighbourhood Services Committee to introduce the new restriction along the Headland’s Olive Street and The Lawns.

The request came from a resident, via a councillor, who reported due to the narrow carriageway width and tight bend that the road can be difficult for vehicles to negotiate, especially when faced with oncoming traffic.

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The restriction would have allowed traffic to enter at The Lawns and exit via Olive Street.

In order to protect sight lines at the exit onto the Marine Crescent/Moor Parade junction, a short section of double yellow lines were also proposed.

However councillors on the committee voted against the plans following objections from residents and recommendations from officers.

Kieran Bostock, council assistant director for place management, said: “It is considered that the advantages of the one way system are outweighed by the disadvantages and on balance this street should remain open for two-way traffic.

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“In view of the good safety record, the quiet residential nature of the area, and the concerns over parking, on balance it is not considered that the implementation of a one way system is required at this time.”

The one-way system and yellow lines would have cost approximately £1,500 to implement with no identified budget for the works.

Copies of the proposed changes were sent to affected properties and notices were posted on-site, which resulted in four written objections.

Concerns raised included there being no need for restrictions, due to no accidents on the roads, and that the one-way system could lead to “speeding vehicles colliding with a house”.

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They also claimed the yellow line restrictions could put further pressure on parking in Marine Crescent and Moor Parade and that the required signs would be “ugly and intrusive”.

One resident spoke at the meeting in favour of the plans, arguing it is currently difficult for two vehicles to pass.

He said: “You can’t pass two vehicles down that road when there are parked vehicles, you can never get down there, it’s not a two way road.

“To me the simple way to get around that is to have this one-way system so all the traffic flows in one direction.”