This is the project helping to keep Hartlepool children safe for 23 years

The Deputy Mayor of Hartlepool, Councillor Rob Cook, and Councillor Brenda Harrison, Chair of Hartlepool Borough Councils Childrens Services Committee, with children from Eldon Grove Academy.The Deputy Mayor of Hartlepool, Councillor Rob Cook, and Councillor Brenda Harrison, Chair of Hartlepool Borough Councils Childrens Services Committee, with children from Eldon Grove Academy.
The Deputy Mayor of Hartlepool, Councillor Rob Cook, and Councillor Brenda Harrison, Chair of Hartlepool Borough Councils Childrens Services Committee, with children from Eldon Grove Academy.
An initiative helping to keep children in Hartlepool safe as they go about their everyday lives is marking its 23rd anniversary.

The annual Crucial Crew initiative is underway for the 23rd time, featuring a series of practical workshops to re-create dangerous situations that children might encounter.

Taking place at EDF Energy’s Hartlepool Power Station, more than 1,300 Year 6 pupils from 32 local primary schools will attend over the course of the two-week event.

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Issues being covered including fire safety, road safety, home safety and water safety.

Organisations supporting Crucial Crew include Hartlepool Borough Council, Northern Powergrid, Cleveland Fire Brigade, EDF Energy, Beamish Open Air Museum, the RNLI, Cleveland Police and HART

The Deputy Mayor of Hartlepool, Councillor Rob Cook, and Councillor Brenda Harrison, Chair of the Council’s Children’s Services Committee, were present to welcome the first pupils to attend from Eldon Grove Academy.

Councillor Harrison said: “This is a hugely successful initiative that over the years has done so much to make children in Hartlepool safer as they go about their everyday lives.

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"I would like to thank all parties involved for their continued backing and, particularly, EDF Energy for once again providing us with a first-class venue.

“It really is an extremely important and fun event, something which our younger children will not forget throughout their lives.

"Hopefully, they will put what they learn to good use and stay as safe as possible."

Joanne Andrews, the Council’s Child Injury Prevention Co-ordinator, said: “We aim to give children knowledge and understanding of dangers that they might come across and the actions they can take to protect themselves.

"It is amazing that Crucial Crew has now been running for 23 years and I too would like to thank all parties for their on-going support.”