Teenage cyclist injured in hit and run in Hartlepool

The incident took place on the A179.The incident took place on the A179.
The incident took place on the A179.
Police are appealing for drivers to come forward after a teenage boy was knocked off his bike in Hartlepool.

On Wednesday, January 8, at around 6.30pm, a 16-year-old boy was on his bike crossing Powlett Road near Milbank Road traffic lights when he was hit by a car.

A spokesperson for Cleveland Police said: “The driver stopped briefly at the scene but drove off after seeing the boy get up from the ground.”

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The teenager suffered a minor shoulder injury and attended hospital for treatment as a result.

Officers are hoping to speak to the driver and a male van driver who stopped to help, then gave the boy a lift home. He may have information which could help their on-going inquiries.

The potential witness and the driver of the white car are urged to contact PC Lee Benson from the Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit referencing event number 004367.