Raj Singh reveals reasons for buying Hartlepool United as Pools takeover is confirmed

Raj SinghRaj Singh
Raj Singh
New owner Raj Singh has opened up on the reasons why he has decided to step in and save Hartlepool United.

Singh's purchase of Pools from former owner John Blackledge, of Sage Investments, has today been completed.

The former Darlington chairman has bought Pools for the upfront fee of just £1, but the deal does involve Blackledge getting staged payments dependent on the club's success.

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Singh, who, as revealed by the Mail has appointed former manager Craig Hignett as director of football, admits he is excited about the challenge ahead at Victoria Park.

And he has revealed the reasons why he has bought Pools, despite his difficult experiences at Darlo.

"One, I am a big football fan. Two, I want to put a perceived wrong, right," he said.

"I suppose you can compare it to a boxer. Even though he has been well battered he still wants to get back in the ring. I want to put it right and win the fight.

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"Things went wrong with Darlington, that's well documented. But I come here with a point to prove to the football world in the North East.

"This is not a business deal. It is not even an investment. It is something I feel passionate about. You look at what can be achieved and it gets me excited.

"You see what can be done with Burton Albion or Bournemouth. But you have to weigh that up with what happened at Darlington. I am hopeful that long-term we will head in the right direction. I feel like I have unfinished business."

Pools have been teetering on the brink of administration for the last three months, and had been edging closer and closer to the abyss, without a changeover at the top and significant investment.

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Singh, alongside Sky Sports' Soccer Saturday presenter and lifelong Poolie Jeff Stelling, are set to plough around £1.2million into the club, but are still open for investors to come forward and help their cause.

At this moment in time Singh understands that Pools fans know he is their only choice to take over at the top.

But he hopes, in time, he will be able to prove his doubters wrong.

"Fan reaction has been mostly positive, some negative," he said.

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"I want, in two or three years time, for Pools fans not to think I was their only choice.

"I want them to think that given their time again, even with five or six other potential owners, they'd have still chosen me.

"At the moment people think 'what choice have we got?' And they'd be right. But I hope that might change over time.

"I just want the fans to judge me from now, forget about what has gone on at Darlington. For me now, it is all Hartlepool, Hartlepool, Hartlepool."