Plans to increase number of police officers in Hartlepool 'as quickly as possible'

Cleveland Police car stock image.Cleveland Police car stock image.
Cleveland Police car stock image.
Plans are in place to increase the number of police officers in Hartlepool ‘as quickly as possible’.

It comes following the introduction of a new chief constable at Cleveland Police, Richard Lewis, and his desire to provide more neighbourhood policing across the area.

It was announced at the end of last year Cleveland Police were getting 72 new officers to go out on the beat ‘ahead of schedule’, with the force also getting a separate extra 120 officers by the end of 2019/20.

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The re-establishment of neighbourhood policing has also seen the introduction of a dedicated chief inspector in each of the local policing areas.

A report from Chief Inspector for Hartlepool Peter Graham states plans are in place to increase police numbers to help tackle crime and boost community engagement.

In the report, he said: “Plans are in place to increase, as quickly as possible, the number of police officers to support the current PCs and PCSO establishment in Hartlepool.

“Neighbourhood Policing is to return to support the integrated Hartlepool Community Safety Team, to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and importantly to provide a service to our community to help reinvigorate community engagement.”

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The community safety team is made up of representatives from the police, council, fire brigade and more, to allow them to work together under one roof to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour issues.

Speaking at an Audit and Governance Committee meeting earlier this month, Chief Inspector Graham said he was really trying to drive numbers in neighbourhood policing.

Speaking at the meeting, he said: “We’re in a positive position regarding policing, but it’s going to be a really, really difficult journey.”

The new officers come after Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged in July to increase police officers nationally by 20,000 within three years.

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Cleveland has lost more than 500 officers and PCSOs since 2010 and there has been more clamour for the numbers to be brought back.

Denise McGuckin, director of regeneration and neighbourhoods, at the end of last month noted police chiefs said more officers were on the way to Hartlepool.

Speaking at the last Neighbourhood Services Committee, she said: “We will see some in the next few weeks and then we will see more over the year.

“I’m expecting at least a handful in the next few weeks, neighbourhood police, dedicated to Hartlepool, and then further resources.”