Final plans in for Hartlepool homes-to-flats scheme - property will bring project up to 50

Proposals have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council.Proposals have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council.
Proposals have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council.
Plans have been lodged to convert a house into two flats as the final part of a scheme to provide accommodation to vulnerable people and those in need in Hartlepool.

Proposals have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council planning department by Home Group to convert 46 Miers Avenue from a three-bedroom house into two one-bed flats.

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A total of 24 of the applications were approved, with 10 going before the council planning committee for approval, and 14 approved under delegated powers.

Proposals have been submitted to convert a property on Miers Avenue from a three-bedroom house into two one-bed flats.Proposals have been submitted to convert a property on Miers Avenue from a three-bedroom house into two one-bed flats.
Proposals have been submitted to convert a property on Miers Avenue from a three-bedroom house into two one-bed flats.

However plans for 54 Belk Street were refused due to concerns over antisocial behaviour and crime.

Therefore the latest plans for Miers Avenue would complete the scheme and means plans would be in place to provide 50 flats, as originally intended.

The flats would be particularly targeted at those leaving homelessness or domestic violence services, according to plans.

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A design and access statement from RNJ Construction Consultants, on behalf of the applicant, stated the scheme will use funding from Homes England to provide physical and social benefits to Hartlepool.

It said: “Homes England’s Move on Fund is intended to provide necessary accommodation and support to enable independent living, particularly targeted at those leaving homelessness services or domestic violence services.

“Property intervention will deliver regeneration, thereby improving the quality of life for existing and new customers, reducing antisocial behaviour.”

Home Group said it has already recently made significant investment in both estates with new roofing, doors and electrics.

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The ‘Move on Project’ will inject a further £2.5million of investment into the Clarence and West View Estates as part of a wider package of works being proposed over the next five years, plans state.

Works will be completed to improve the standard of each estate, help prevent antisocial behaviour, reduce oversupply of three bed homes and the constant turnover of units.

Initial plans as part of the scheme faced concerns from both residents and councillors over the potential for a rise in antisocial behaviour in the two estates.

However councillors on the planning committee said it was important they support vulnerable people and those who live alone in Hartlepool.

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Council officers also noted Home Group said it has ‘allocated appropriate resources to manage these tenancies’ which will be of an improved condition.

A decision is expected to be made on the proposals in Miers Avenue by the council planning department by the end of January 2021.

To view and comment on the planning application visit the Hartlepool Borough Council planning portal online and search reference number H/2020/0433.

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