Fears over bathroom privacy as string of objections lodged against camera plans at Hartlepool's Rossmere Park

Rossmere ParkRossmere Park
Rossmere Park
A neighbour’s fears over a camera pointing at their bathroom are among a string objections lodged against plans to install new CCTV cameras in a Hartlepool park.

However, plans two install two new CCTV cameras in Rossmere Park are facing a number of objections, including a 27-signature petition.

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Plans were submitted by council chiefs to put the two CCTV columns, measuring eight metres and 10 metres, in the park.

However concerns have been raised by residents over the height of the cameras at Rossmere Park resulting in a loss of privacy, the sustainability of the cameras and a lack of monitoring of them.

A decision is due to be made on the plans by the council planning committee on Wednesday, with planning officers recommending the plans are given the go-ahead.

However, a total of eight objections have been submitted to the council to date, alongside the petition.

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A Stockton Road resident said: “These cameras will take away my privacy. Cameras at this height point into my bathroom window.

“I do not object to the principle of some form of cameras, but said camera must not in anyway infringe past my boundary wall or encroach on my privacy.”

Concerns were also raised by residents the CCTV could impact the saleability of properties.

Another Stockton Road resident said: “I do not object to cameras in principal but I do object strongly to them being eight and 10 metres in height.”

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A CCTV safeguarding statement from Nicholas Stone, Neighbourhood Safety Team Leader on the council, assured residents over the working of the cameras.

It said: “Residents can be reassured that the council’s CCTV operators are very careful when operating CCTV cameras to respect and protect people’s privacy.

“CCTV operators receive training regarding human rights, privacy and data protection as part of the legally required training that they have to receive.

“The 8 -10m CCTV columns being used are of the standard height that the council has used for almost every other CCTV camera around the town.”

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The proposals state one of the cameras would be situated to the east of the pond in the park, while the second will be in the western section on the events playing field.

The proposed CCTV columns would also be painted black and include an anti-climb attachment.

A design and access statement for the plans said: “We have chosen to use CCTV columns of a height and design to match with the local environment and to provide adequate views of the local area.

“Dome cameras have been chosen rather than traditional cameras to minimise local persons understanding upon where cameras are actually monitoring.”