What Hartlepool Mail readers said about support for reality TV stars as MPs investigate issue

Harley Brash, from South Shields, who appeared on this year's series of Love Island. Picture: ITV.Harley Brash, from South Shields, who appeared on this year's series of Love Island. Picture: ITV.
Harley Brash, from South Shields, who appeared on this year's series of Love Island. Picture: ITV.
Hartlepool Mail readers say reality TV stars need more support, as contestants from Love Island speak to MPs.

A Facebook poll asked: “As Love Island stars prepare to appear before MPs investigating reality TV, do you think the aftercare provided to those taking part in the programmes is enough?”

Just 38% of those voting said they felt the care provided was adequate.

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Richard Lees said: “Reality TV? Seriously, if this type of TV programme is your ‘reality’, you need to wake up and smell the coffee!”

Colin Thompson felt anyone making the choice to appear should be aware of the potential consequences.

He added: “Their choice to go in and ‘be famous’. Suppose they could all get a proper job like the majority of us?”

Craig Lister was more sympathetic: “The problem is not everyone gets famous or they get the wrong attention and they need a care package for when that happens. Which none really provide.”

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