Caring Hartlepool toddler Teddy walks miles to support poorly baby brother

Toddler Teddy with his mum Apral and baby brother Ollie. Apral has said Teddy "absolutely loves" his little brother.Toddler Teddy with his mum Apral and baby brother Ollie. Apral has said Teddy "absolutely loves" his little brother.
Toddler Teddy with his mum Apral and baby brother Ollie. Apral has said Teddy "absolutely loves" his little brother.
Toddler Teddy Twidale has stepped in to show his support for his baby brother after he was born during the pandemic with a kidney condition.

Teddy, aged just two, strolled across Hartlepool’s Ward Jackson Park to raise money for Kidney Care UK after the charity supported his family following Ollie’s birth last August.

The challenge saw Teddy walk three miles over the course of a fortnight to raise more than £600 for the charity in total.

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Ollie, now eight months old, had to be rushed to special care just seconds after his mum Apral held him for the first time.

Toddler Teddy Twidale with his baby brother Ollie Twidale.Toddler Teddy Twidale with his baby brother Ollie Twidale.
Toddler Teddy Twidale with his baby brother Ollie Twidale.

It was then discovered the little boy had posterior urethral valves (PUV), which required an operation to remove a blockage, with Apral recalling it as “the worst experience” of her life.

She said: "I literally got to hold him for a couple of seconds and he had to be taken to special care because he had breathing problems.

"I had an infection so I couldn’t actually go and see him because I couldn’t get out of the bed and he needed to be in special care.

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"The next day I was finally up and I was really struggling to walk. I got down to see him and then I was told that he had to be taken into ambulance to the RVI.

Teddy walked 5 km to raise money for Kidney Care UK.Teddy walked 5 km to raise money for Kidney Care UK.
Teddy walked 5 km to raise money for Kidney Care UK.

"That was the worst experience of my life.

"I’d never experienced that sort of grief, but not grief kind of thing.

"I was past myself.”

Ollie spent 11 days in hospital and during that time he couldn’t meet his brother or spend time with his family.

But once the brothers were reunited, they formed a special bond right away.

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Apral, who has described Teddy as a “loving, caring, gentle soul”, has said the toddler “absolutely loves” his baby brother.

"When Ollie was first born I kept saying he was going to kill the bairn with kindness.

"His favourite thing is just to sit and hold him.”

Ollie is currently under the care of a specialist children’s kidney team as well as seeing dieticians and having regular tests to monitor his potassium levels.

Apral, from the Dyke House area of town, has said that an upcoming dye test should be able to give more information on his condition.

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She added: "Obviously, I’ve looked at the worst case scenarios. It could potentially be that he goes on dialysis and he needs a kidney transplant.

"I do research it all and panic myself over it to be honest, but I’m trying to remain clam.”

Ollie is currently teething and Apral has said he can be a bit temperamental.

"Teddy was so laid-back and Ollie is the complete opposite. He goes from nought to 60 in a second.”

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Robert Hope, head of fundraising at Kidney Care UK, has said Teddy’s efforts have inspired the charity.

He added: “We have been so inspired by him at the charity, already at such a young age he has clearly made such a difference to his family but now also to kidney patients like Ollie across the UK.”

Further details about Kidney Care UK are available on (01420) 541424 and

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