JILL MORTIMER: I've hit the ground running hard to deliver on promises made

I’ve been meeting ministers in Westminster, including Robert Jenrick, who is the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, to see how we can make the most of our £25m Towns Fund deal.I’ve been meeting ministers in Westminster, including Robert Jenrick, who is the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, to see how we can make the most of our £25m Towns Fund deal.
I’ve been meeting ministers in Westminster, including Robert Jenrick, who is the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, to see how we can make the most of our £25m Towns Fund deal.
It’s been just three weeks since I became Hartlepool’s Member of Parliament and it has certainly been a whirlwind since the momentous morning of Friday, May 7, when I became the first-ever woman to be MP for the town.

I’ve hit the ground running hard to make sure I deliver on the promises I made during the election campaign and to make sure I help improve the lives of everyone living and working here.

I’ve been meeting ministers in Westminster, including Robert Jenrick, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, to see how we can make the most of our £25m Towns Fund deal. We need to get plans in place for regeneration projects we need including linking the town and marina.

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I’ve had meetings with the new Hartlepool Council. There have been many changes since the elections earlier this month and it is clear there is lots for us to work on to make sure we can have the impact and the effect on the town we want.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be setting up my offices in Hartlepool as well as recruiting members of staff and looking for somewhere to live in the town. I know I will have work to do in Parliament, but my goal is to serve the people here and to do that I want to spend as much time as possible in Hartlepool – it is the best place to get on with the vital work I need to do. Being part of this community I will not only understand the issues, both good and bad, but to be able to enact the positive change we need.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the lovely response I’ve had from people in Hartlepool as I’ve been out and about. Of course, It is no surprise as I met so many wonderful people during the campaign. But nonetheless, it has been a huge fillip to receive so many warm wishes and encouragement from Hartlepudlians.

I want to assure everyone, whether you voted for me or not, I am determined to do the very best I can for everybody here and deliver on the priorities I promised.

We will soon be publishing details of upcoming surgeries – you can also get in touch with me on my email [email protected]