Letter of the week: 'Where is the love for Hartlepool?'

The recent demolition of the Middleton Cabins.The recent demolition of the Middleton Cabins.
The recent demolition of the Middleton Cabins.
I read about Labour’s recent loss of control of Hartlepool Borough Council (Mail, May 3).and Christopher Akers-Belcher’s comment that it is still the largest party.

May I point out that the total number of independent councillors equals Labour’s.

In Jesmond, Victoria and Fens and Rossmere wards the number of independent votes added together beat the Labour candidates each time.

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If only one independent had stood in these wards, I reckon Labour would have had zero candidates elected.

It was purely and simply the vanity projects.

If not for the millions wasted on these, we could maybe have had a scheme similar to the New Deal community wardens set-up to keep our streets and parks safer.

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We could have kept the home-call system free for all vulnerable adults,.

Instead, even those classed as being in poverty are in some circumstances being made to pay for this vital service. Surely it should have at least been means tested?

We could have kept Middleton huts (pictured) – part of Hartlepool’s heritage.

And as for not supplying the pittance to support the Heugh Battery Museum, it’s almost unbelievable.

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Instead we got vanity projects and councillor allowance rises.

We need safe streets and good support for our elderly and vulnerable. Plus our history needs to be preserved.

They ask us to “Love Hartlepool.” I suggest they set an example and start showing their love by putting the decent folk of this town first, instead of bolstering their own egos.

Good luck to all the new councillors. I hope you will truly save the people and bring about the necessary change, which is long overdue.

Name and address supplied.