JILL MORTIMER: New £2 single bus fares will help people with travel costs

“The £2 single bus fare is just one example of the continued action we are taking to tackle the cost of living.”“The £2 single bus fare is just one example of the continued action we are taking to tackle the cost of living.”
“The £2 single bus fare is just one example of the continued action we are taking to tackle the cost of living.”
I would like to begin my first column of 2023 by wishing everyone in Hartlepool a Happy New Year! I hope that you have all enjoyed a peaceful Christmas period with friends and loved ones and are entering the New Year feeling well rested.

I am looking forward to the year ahead and to meeting more people across our town.

In the meantime, my next newsletter will be landing on doormats in the next couple of weeks to update you on my recent work on your behalf, as well as some of my ambitions for our area moving forward.

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One good bit of New Year’s news is the introduction of £2 single bus fares across England from now until March 31.

This low fare covers 4,600 routes and 95% of journeys, including long routes that can often cost much more.

I am pleased that our Government has introduced this scheme to help commuters with the cost of living and helping to get people back on buses nationally.

I am sure this announcement will be welcome here in Hartlepool where I know many people have to take longer journeys which will be covered by this scheme.

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The £2 single bus fare is just one example of the continued action we are taking to tackle the cost of living and follows a number of measures that have already been taken.

These include the Energy Price Guarantee which saves the average household £900 on their energy bills; cutting National Insurance which puts £330 in the pockets of 30 million people; protecting the Triple Lock for our pensioners; and boosting the National Living Wage by £1,600 – the largest increase in history.

I know that we will all continue to feel the inflationary pressures caused by the lasting impacts of Covid on the economy as well the war in Ukraine for some time, but this continued support is encouraging.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed by the Prime Minister to join the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

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Formed in the aftermath of the Second World War, the Assembly is an international organisation to defend, protect and promote human rights and the rule of law.

It is not the EU, but I believe it is important that the common sense views of a committed Brexiteer are represented on the council.

I am truly honoured to take up this role and represent both Hartlepool and our Parliament in Europe.