New Year, new you: Chance to get active by taking part in guided bike ride in Hartlepool next week

Tony Davison, sustainable travel officer at Hartlepool Borough Council, who co-ordinates the work of the Hartlepool Active Travel Hub.Tony Davison, sustainable travel officer at Hartlepool Borough Council, who co-ordinates the work of the Hartlepool Active Travel Hub.
Tony Davison, sustainable travel officer at Hartlepool Borough Council, who co-ordinates the work of the Hartlepool Active Travel Hub.
The first in series of guided bike rides that aim to encourage more people to take up cycling is set to be held in Hartlepool next week.

The ride will take place on Wednesday, January 30, beginning at 11am from the bandstand in Maritime Avenue at Hartlepool Marina.

It is a joint initiative between the Hartlepool Borough Council-led Hartlepool Active Travel Hub which aims to promote alternatives to the car, and the sustainable travel charity Sustrans.

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Tony Davison, Hartlepool Borough Council’s sustainable travel officer who co-ordinates the work of the Hartlepool Active Travel Hub, said: “The rides are intended to be suitable for any level of cyclist.

“They are a perfect opportunity for people who perhaps haven’t cycled for a while to ease their way back into the saddle in the company of like-minded people.

“The ride on the 30th is the first of a series that will take place up to March and further rides are planned from Newburn Bridge and the Headland.

"We also hope to extend the programme throughout 2019.”

Sustrans is managing the guided rides programme from their base at The Hub in Stockton using trained cycle leaders.

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As well as taking part in the rides people can also become cycle leaders, with Sustrans providing the training.

For more information about the guided rides or becoming a cycle leader contact Sustrans on (01642) 617672 or [email protected]