New T-shirt will help fight to save Pools - and here's a look at it

The new T-shirts.The new T-shirts.
The new T-shirts.
An award-winning Hartlepool business boss has joined the fight to save Pools by using her skills as a designer.

Michelle Taylor Ward, 42, has created a “Hartlepool United We Stand With You” T-shirt.

And all profits from the £20 product will go towards the fight to save Hartlepool United.

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Hartlepool entrepreneur Michelle Taylor Ward.Hartlepool entrepreneur Michelle Taylor Ward.
Hartlepool entrepreneur Michelle Taylor Ward.

Michelle, who won the the Hartlepool Mail-backed If we can, you can challenge in 2008, said her dad Bert is a massive Pools fan and said she wanted to do something to help the cause.

“I have designed a T-shirt with the highlights and the history of Hartlepool United.

“I got on to the Hartlepool Supporters page and asked them what their favourite Pools moments were.”

The end product is a T-shirt filled with highlights including the play-off finals at Cardiff, the day Pools scared the life out of Matt Busby’s Manchester United in the FA Cup in 1957, and the Adam Boyd hat-trick against Sheffield Wednesday in 2005.

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The T-shirt designed by Michelle Taylor Ward.The T-shirt designed by Michelle Taylor Ward.
The T-shirt designed by Michelle Taylor Ward.

It mentions Brian Honour’s winner against Sunderland in 1988, Ritchie Humphreys’ winning penalty in the play-off semi finals against Tranmere Rovers, and the 6-0 friendly victory against Manchester United in 1988.

And it carries the message ‘2018 - the year the fans saved the club. #neversaydie’.

Within 90 minutes of posting news of the T-shirt on her Facebook page, Michelle had 25 advance orders for the T-shirt which is officially available from this week.

She added: “As a passionate Poolie girl with a dad obsessed by Hartlepool United I had to try and do my bit to help.”

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Hartlepool entrepreneur Michelle Taylor Ward.Hartlepool entrepreneur Michelle Taylor Ward.
Hartlepool entrepreneur Michelle Taylor Ward.

Michelle, from Clavering, runs her own business called Taylor Ward and she specialises in inspirational T-shirts which “empower people” to realise their ambitions.

“I want to tell people to go for their own dreams.”

Pools’ financial situation is in the spotlight, with the club needing to raise £200,000 by January 25 to stave off the threat of administration.

To order one of Michelle’s T-shirts, go to