New dedicated community safety team aims to improve lives of Hartlepool residents

Hartlepool Police Station.Hartlepool Police Station.
Hartlepool Police Station.
A new community safety team - spearheaded by police, council and fire workers - is due to be launched in Hartlepool.

The Integrated Community Safety Team will be based in one office at Hartlepool police station and will work together to tackle community issues quickly and improve public confidence.

It will see the relocation of the council’s Hartlepool Community Safety Team to the police station in Avenue Road.

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They will work alongside neighbourhood police and fire officials to address issues affecting neighbourhoods on a daily basis and strengthen links with communities.

The new team is due to launch next week following nine months of work behind the scenes by members of the multi-agency body the Safer Hartlepool Partnership.

Barry Coppinger, Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “The way public services used to work where everyone works in silos and look after their own interest has to change and it is changing because we have a common interest.

“I really hope it’s successful because I think we could get other boroughs follow suit.”

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The team will include Police Community Support officers, anti social behaviour officers, a victim support officer and police officers dedicated to working with the top ten troubled families and people with complex needs.

Safeguarding leaders from the council’s adult and children’s services department are also due to attend daily briefings.

The fire service’s work will involve advocacy for vulnerable adults and intervention for children.

Work developing the integrated team followed concerns from people about a lack of visible policing, the need for more enforcement activity, and for the police and council to work more closely together on community issues.

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Councillor Christopher Akers-Belcher, chair of the Safer Hartlepool Partnership, said: “Lots of residents say to us when we are out on the street ‘I’m unsure where we can report concerns’.

“They are going to have one location at Avenue Road and get a coordinated and efficient response which is all the people of Hartlepool want.

“I think it’s quite innovative and think Hartlepool is leading the way probably across the force area.”

Two new council enforcement officers are being taken on as part of the team.

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An official launch is due to take place on Monday, February 26, at a Safer Hartlepool Partnership Face the Public event.

Steve Johnson, district manager for Cleveland Fire Authority, said: “I think it will be very beneficial for the area.”