Morris backs Corbyn as leader

Grahame Morris MP.Grahame Morris MP.
Grahame Morris MP.
Easington MP Grahame Morris has reiterated his support for Jeremy Corbyn to continue as the Labour leader after Angela Eagle launched her campaign to head up the party.

Mr Morris was appointed to Mr Corbyn’s shadow cabinet last month as Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Shadow Minister for the Constitutional Convention last month.

He said: “I am backing Jeremy Corbyn, who has demonstrated he has the overwhelming support of affiliated trades unions, individual Labour party members and supporters.

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“Throughout the country he has re-ignited enthusiasm, particularly amongst the young, and given real hope that a Labour Government will adopt policies to end austerity.

“Under his leadership Jeremy has won four parliamentary by-elections increasingly the Labour majorities, he has won four mayoral elections and increased the Labour vote share in the May local government elections.

“He has the respect and goodwill of many voters following his pledge to engage in a new kind of politics.

“His commitment to have a return to prosperity for working people and their families is popular and electorally credible.”

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Mr Morris has tweeted messages of support for Mr Corbyn in the wake of Saturday’s Durham Miners’ Gala, where he was headline speaker.

Easington Constituency Labour Party will discuss who it will back later this month.

Ms Eagle, a former shadow business secretary, said she had no choice but to move against Mr Corbyn because Britain was in danger of becoming a “one-party Tory state” under his leadership.

Last week, 172 Labour MPs indicated they had no confidence in Mr Corbyn in a vote in which he garnered the support of 40 Westminster colleagues.

The Mail contacted Hartlepool MP Iain Wright to ask who he backed, but received no response.

The constituency Labour party has said it supports Mr Corbyn.