Man jailed for abducting rape victim appeals conviction

A HARTLEPOOL teen who served a jail sentence for abducting a girl – who was then raped by his friends – has launched an appeal against his conviction.

Sam Jordan Hunter, 19, of Hirdman Grove, helped to entice the girl into a car before she was taken to a secluded area for the attack.

He was convicted of child abduction at Durham Crown Court and jailed for 18 months in February.

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But he served only half of that in prison before he was released last month on licence.

He has now launched a Court of Appeal bid to clear his name, which is due to go before three senior judges next month.

In a preliminary hearing in his appeal, his barrister Jane Waugh told Lord Justice Laws that grounds of appeal had already been compiled.

But a new argument, which only came to light today, meant the case would not be able to go ahead immediately.

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Giving directions for the appeal, Lord Justice Laws said it needed to be heard as soon as it can be in January.

“I think I am going to direct this to be relisted for the week beginning the 19th of January,” he said.

At the trial, the jury heard that Hunter, with Lewis Bates and Mark Wilson, was cruising around the Blackhall Colliery area.

They came upon the girl and, after getting her into the car, took her to a quiet lane.

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Hunter remained in the back of the car throughout what then ensued.

The court heard that Bates and Wilson are to be told of Hunter’s bid to clear his name, as it may impact on their own convictions for child abduction.

But Lord Justice Laws said it would not affect their incarceration, as each is also serving a sentence for rape

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