Letter of the week: Dismayed at 'dreadful state of policing' in Hartlepool

A darkened Hartlepool street.A darkened Hartlepool street.
A darkened Hartlepool street.
My wife and I live in Queensland, Australia, yet we have strong local connections.

My wife is a Hartlepool girl and we have family and friends both in the town and the immediate region.

We have a small apartment on the marina.

We return to the UK every year, spending two to three months there.

We love Hartlepool.

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This morning on Australia’s ABC TV, I watched the BBC 1 News, originally broadcast at 6pm on November 19, UK time.

I was appalled to see the section regarding the apparent dreadful state of policing in the town.

Also read: Hartlepool residents say they have "no option" but to patrol streets due to lack of policeI am assuming this was a true picture and not “fake-news”.

I hope many readers also saw it and were dismayed, as was I.

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In support of the police in Hartlepool, it is my intention to write to our MP, Mike Hill, seeking his immediate involvement in this matter.

May I urge your law-abiding readers to do similarly.

Mr Hill was elected to serve our interests and, indeed, promised so to do.

Brian Green,


