Jail for banned Hartlepool driver who twice led police on chases

Teesside Crown Court.Teesside Crown Court.
Teesside Crown Court.
A banned driver who twice led police on a chase has been jailed for 20 months.

David Collinson also took fuel from Morrison’s filling station in Hartlepool without paying for it, Teesside Crown Court heard.

“After filling his car, Collinson went to the cashier’s kiosk,” said Oliver Thorne, prosecuting.

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“He said he had forgotten his debit card and gave a false name and address before leaving.

“A month later, a police and community support officer saw Collinson getting into the driving seat of a car.

“The officer knew he was a banned driver, so summoned assistance from a traffic patrol. Collinson stopped for the patrol car in Rossmere Avenue, but drove off again reaching speeds of 60mph in a residential area before abandoning his car.”

The court heard Collinson was seen driving again a few months later.

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“It was his misfortune to pass a police car,” said Mr Thorne.

“The officer did not know Collinson was a banned driver, but became suspicious at the amount of attention he was paying to the police car.

“There was a short pursuit before Collinson abandoned his car again and fled on foot.”

Collinson, 26, of Jutland Road, Hartlepool, admitted making off without payment on June 15.

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He also admitted dangerous driving and driving while disqualified on July 15, and November 12, and being in breach of a suspended sentence imposed for driving while disqualified.

Lawrie Scott, defending, said in mitigation: “His partner has written an emotional letter detailing the problems they have had since losing a child in 2010.

“Up to that point, Mr Collinson was leading a law-abiding life, working for his father as a carpet fitter.

“A finger injury meant he could not continue that work, and he went off the rails.

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“There are now signs there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

The Recorder of Middlesbrough, Judge Simon Bourne-Arton, jailed Collinson for 20 months.

The recorder told him: “I am impressed by the content of your partner’s letter, but it is you who are punishing your family, not me.

“You took the decision to drive dangerously, twice, when you were already disqualified and when you knew you were in breach of a suspended sentence.

“You have a dreadful record of motoring offences, and of non-compliance with community orders.

“Only immediate custody is now appropriate.”

Collinson was banned from driving for 34 months.

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