Hartlepool United fans third in league of shame of yobs

HARTLEPOOL United are third in a league of shame of football hooliganism.

Pools supporters received 10 football banning orders for match-related violence last season.

And as of September 3, there were 22 Hartlepool United fans on the orders, according to new figures published by the Home Office.

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Pools fans are joint third in a table of banning orders imposed on League Two supporters, with 10 orders imposed on Dagenham and Redbridge fans in the period from September 21 last year and September 3 this year.

Luton Town is second with 11 orders and Shrewsbury Town tops the League 2 list with 21.

In a table of fans currently serving the orders, Pools was third behind Luton Town, with 27 and Shrewsbury Town, with 26.

Eight Pools fans were arrested last season, including two at home games and six away, with four for public disorder and four for alcohol offences.

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Newcastle United fans received the highest number of banning orders last season, with 95 orders issued, and 127 are currently serving the bans.

There were 18 bans imposed on Sunderland fans last season, with 40 Black Cats fans banned from matches as of September 3.

There were two banning orders given to Middlesbrough fans last season, with the number standing at 32 on September 3.

The total number of national football banning orders decreased by seven per cent to 2,273 as on September 3 this year, from 2,451 on September 20 last year.

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There was 159 arrests in League Two, down from 188 the previous season, including 19 for violent disorder, 77 for public disorder and 40 for alcohol offences.

Football banning orders aim to block potential troublemakers from travelling to football matches - both at home and abroad - and are issued by the courts following a conviction for a football-related offence or after a complaint by the Crown Prosecution Service or a local police force.