Hartlepool residents bid for double yellow lines

Residents in Park Avenue want double yellow lines outside their homes.Residents in Park Avenue want double yellow lines outside their homes.
Residents in Park Avenue want double yellow lines outside their homes.
A residents association group is hoping council bosses will approve plans for double yellow lines to address parking issues.

A call has been made by West Park Residents Association to Hartlepool Borough Council for double yellow lines to be painted in Park Avenue.

This comes after concerns from residents over parking on the street and difficulties getting on and off drives.

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It is proposed to implement double yellow lines on the east side of Park Avenue, north of the Zebra Crossing and on the northern side of The

Parade junction.

A report of Tony Hanson, the council’s Assistant Director (Environment and Neighbourhood Services), said: “Parking in this location is a particular problem for residents when accessing and leaving their drives.

“In general, people parking in this location are visiting Ward Jackson Park.

“The restrictions are designed to prevent parking opposite driveways which

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residents report on a regular basis not just during special events.”

He also said a car park is provided on the corner of The Parade/Park Avenue, which provides an alternative location to park for those visiting the park.

Council bosses said no formal consultation was carried out with residents although discussions were held with residents who were in favour of the proposals.

However an objection was received by one person stating the proposed restrictions north of the Zebra Crossing ‘are not required and will transfer parking to more inappropriate locations’.

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The report said: “They consider that this is an issue only during events and can be dealt with by placing no parking cones.”

The yellow lines proposed would be estimated to cost approximately £500, which would be met from existing council revenue budget.

It is recommended the plans are approved by the council at the Neighbourhood Services Committee meeting on Wednesday, July 25.

The meeting takes place at Hartlepool Civic Centre and starts at 4pm.

Nic Marko , Local Democracy Reporting Service