Hartlepool foodbank makes Mother's Day appeal

Clive Hall and Al Wales of the Hartlepool Foodbank.Clive Hall and Al Wales of the Hartlepool Foodbank.
Clive Hall and Al Wales of the Hartlepool Foodbank.
Hartlepool foodbank is appealing for supporters to boost a Mother's Day campaign to help mums by giving toiletries.

The charity, in Church Street, says the occasion can be a difficult time for mums who are unable to afford food for their families never mind basic toiletries many of us take for granted.

So as families celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend, the Trussell Trust anti-poverty charity, which runs a network of 425 foodbanks, including Hartlepool, is asking for donations of shampoo, sanitary products, nappies, shower gel and toothpaste to help local women and their children. 

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Al Wales Foodbank Manager said: “Every day at the foodbank we meet mums from across Hartlepool who share heart-breaking stories about the difficulties they face to put food on their children’s plates.

“When you’re struggling to afford food, you’re often struggling to afford other basics like loo roll, shampoo and women’s sanitary products too.

“Perhaps unsurprisingly, toiletries are not the first thing most people think of when they’re donating to a foodbank, but they do make a huge difference in restoring some normality when you’re at the point of crisis.

“Whatever you are able to give this Mother’s Day will help local mums who are struggling to know that there are people who care.”

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As well as providing emergency food parcels the foodbank also offers debt advice to users.

Money can be given through the website www.hartlepool.foodbank.org.uk or drop off donations at Tesco, Burn Road; Morrisons, Clarence Road, and branches of Sainsbury’s on Seaton Lane and Murray Street.