Hartlepool council worker celebrates 50 years' dedication to town

From left, Gill Alexander, Hartlepool Borough Councils Chief Executive; Paul Remington, who is celebrating 50 years at the organisation; and Denise Ogden, Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods.From left, Gill Alexander, Hartlepool Borough Councils Chief Executive; Paul Remington, who is celebrating 50 years at the organisation; and Denise Ogden, Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods.
From left, Gill Alexander, Hartlepool Borough Councils Chief Executive; Paul Remington, who is celebrating 50 years at the organisation; and Denise Ogden, Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods.
A Hartlepool council worker has celebrated 50 years of work for the local authority.

Paul Remington began work for Hartlepool Borough Council – then called West Hartlepool Corporation – when he was a fresh-faced teenager of 15.

He joined the council as an apprentice electrician in 1966 during the World Cup, which England went on to lift after beating Germany 4-2.

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Inspecting Paul's original contract.Inspecting Paul's original contract.
Inspecting Paul's original contract.

And despite now being 65, Paul, who works as a housing standards officer, has no plans to retire just yet.

He said: “When I started working for West Hartlepool Corporation, as it was called back in July 1966, I certainly didn’t imagine I would still be here 50 years later.

“But I’ve really enjoyed my career and I certainly don’t intend to call it a day just yet.

“It seems to have gone quite quickly, certainly not 50 years’ worth.

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Inspecting Paul's original contract.Inspecting Paul's original contract.
Inspecting Paul's original contract.

“I’ve seen so much change over the years, in particular the pace of technological advance has increased so quickly.

“I’ve had some fantastic colleagues over the years and made some great friends, and it really is true that good working relationships make for a healthy workplace.”

Paul, of Bishop Cuthbert, who is married to Janice, joined the council when he left Galleys Field School on the Headland, just as it was moving into its new base in Cromwell Street.

He even helped to finish off the wiring work to the new depot.

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The football fan watched two World Cup games around the time he started work at Ayresome Park in Middlesbrough.

Over the years he has held worked in a number of jobs and has been a Housing Standards Officer since 1997.

His current job involves inspecting homes where there are issues between tenants and landlords in private housing, dealing with empty homes and inspecting the council’s own housing stock.

Outside of work, the father of three enjoys watching football and previously played for the Boys Brigade Old Boys for around 30 years.

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Gill Alexander, Hartlepool Borough Council’s chief executive, praised Paul for his years of hard work for the locfal authority.

She said: “It’s very rare now that people spend so much time working for one organisation so it’s an absolutely fantastic achievement.

“I would like to thank Paul for his dedication and commitment to Hartlepool Borough Council over the past 50 years.”