Hartlepool clinches top slot for school places

Hartlepool top when it comes to applying for school places.Hartlepool top when it comes to applying for school places.
Hartlepool top when it comes to applying for school places.
Hartlepool is among the top ten when it comes to applying for school places on time.

Figures show the town is on the ball when making sure parents and carers know to put their children's names down for the schools of their choice.

The statistics showed on average 7.6% of primary school applications were made late to local authorities last year.

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However, in Hartlepool just 1.02% of the 1,081 primary applications came in late, putting it in the top ten most efficient.

Figures compiled through Freedom of Information requests for online education site, exampapersplus.co.uk, show the worst authority was Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council where 27.5% of applications were late.

With the deadline for the 2019 primary place being Tuesday, January 15, parents are being reminded of the importance of getting their applications in on time.

By submitting an application late parents risk it only being considered after those submitted on time are allocated, so they are less likely to get their preferred school choice for their child.

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A spokesman for Hartlepool Borough Council, said: "We work very hard to proactively promote the annual school place application rounds to parents of both primary and secondary age children.

"This includes posting regular reminders on social media of the relevant deadlines set by Central Government and how parents can apply, sending out press releases and publishing articles in our community magazine Hartbeat.

"We actively promote our online parent portal – www.hartlepool.gov.uk/schooladmissions - as being the easiest way to apply, but we also inform residents of their right to fill in a paper form available from schools or the council’s School Admissions Team, which is based at the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Brierton Lane."

He said parents of children due to start primary school receive information via their child’s nursery, either school-based or private, or through a childminder if they are attending one.

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The spokesman added: "We also receive a lot of support from local primary schools for which we are very grateful, and we also send reminder letters to parents two weeks prior to the national deadline which for the current primary school place application round – for entry into reception class in September - is Tuesday, January 15.

"We would urge any parents who have yet to submit their applications to make sure they do so before this deadline."

Any parents requiring further information can contact the School Admissions Team on (01429) 523765 or [email protected].

Parents will learn the outcome of their applications on April 16.