Hartlepool charity offers Great North Run places

Could you be part of this years Great North Run?Could you be part of this years Great North Run?
Could you be part of this years Great North Run?
A Hartlepool charity has places available for people who want to tackle the Great North Run.

But places are limited with the Hartlepool Special Needs Support Group and those interested should get in touch as soon as they can.

Team HSNSG is being put together by charity officials including Jamie Allison, from the HSNSG Core Fundraising Group. He said: “This is a fun and very invigorating experience for all. We are not expecting you to be a world class athlet as we are running as a group.”

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But those who do sign up will be asked to raise a minimum of £250 in sponsorship. An online team donation page will be set up, as well as individual pages for those who want them.

Those interested should email [email protected], call into the group’s resource centre which is in Park Road in Hartlepool, call (01429) 863766 or visit its Facebook site.

The support group was set up on September 29, 1989. In the early days, parents met each week at different venues across the town, in anything from school cloakrooms to community centres.

But it has grown hugely since then and now owns its own resource centre.

People can also find out more about the group by visiting its website at www.hsnsg.org.uk