Fund to save Hartlepool United gets past £50,000 mark

Hartlepool United's Victoria Park ground.Hartlepool United's Victoria Park ground.
Hartlepool United's Victoria Park ground.
The appeal to save Hartlepool United has gathered more than £50,000.

Die-hard fans started the crowdfunding appeal earlier this month after it was revealed that £200,000 is needed for the club to survive.

The figure needs to be raised before January 25 to pay wages and bills or United risk going into administration.

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The Just Giving page total stands at just under £54,000, a quarter of the way towards the target amount.

Various fund-raising events have been taking place to help the cash-strapped club, with fans hoping that Saturday's home game with Wrexham will be a sell-out in a bid to boost the coffers.

To donate to the appeal click here