Fab four scenes are reminders of old Hartlepool

The 'skeleton pier' was demolished and replaced by a new pier as part of the new marina development.The 'skeleton pier' was demolished and replaced by a new pier as part of the new marina development.
The 'skeleton pier' was demolished and replaced by a new pier as part of the new marina development.
Who remembers these iconic scenes of Hartlepool in days gone by.

We have four photographs for you of sights you may well remember in the town.

First, there’s this image of the Steetley Chemical works which was taken in 1989. Did you work there and what memories did you have. Get in touch and tell us more.

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Throston Bridge.Throston Bridge.
Throston Bridge.

The ‘skeleton pier’ was demolished and replaced by a new pier as part of the new marina development. Do you remember it?

What about this old shot of the former Throston Bridge.

Or how about this nostalgic photograph, taken 25 years ago, of the former Bird’s Nest public house.

It was in the Mainsforth Terrace area and used to be known as the Palace. Send us an email and reminisce on days gone by.

Email chris.cordner@jpress.co.uk

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