Eastleigh goalkeeper Graham Stack retires just days after altercation with Hartlepool's Liam Noble

Graham Stack in action against Hartlepool United last weekend.Graham Stack in action against Hartlepool United last weekend.
Graham Stack in action against Hartlepool United last weekend.
Eastleigh goalkeeper Graham Stack has announced his retirement, just days after altercation with Hartlepool's Liam Noble in his final game.

Stack, who has taken up a goalkeeping role at Premier League Watford, angered the Pools squad and coaching staff last weekend after an off-field altercation with the midfielder.

Matthew Bates refused to confirm the nature of the incident, which took place at half-time in the tunnel, but he did confirm the incident left Noble “upset” and “shaken” adding Stack's actions had no place anywhere near a football field.

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Read more: Read Matthew Bates' full reaction to the incident here

"I have got to be honest, I did not see the incident. I know people who did see it and I know Liam (Noble).

"Something has gone on, I do not want to say much else on it really.

"We did not let it have an impact at half-time. Liam was upset with what happened.

"I don’t mind teams coming here and trying to unsettle us fairly, we do that when we go away, that’s football.

"That does not belong here - that’s not football."

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"Graham approached the club earlier this week and indicated a role to become Head of Goalkeeping at Watford FC has arisen.

"Stack expressed his desire to pursue a new role in the next chapter of his career to the club and as of today, he will be retiring from professional football."

Stack added: "It’s a sad day for me to retire from playing. After I was approached by Watford to take up this exciting role I knew it was an opportunity I couldn’t turn down.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Eastleigh and I would like to thank the supporters, players, staff and managers who have all been part of my time here."

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