Donation helps club keep lifesaving defibrillator to hand

From left, Carl Sweeting, vice-chairman of Seaton Carew FC, Bernie Kelly, Seaton Carew FC president,and Councillor Paul Thompson.From left, Carl Sweeting, vice-chairman of Seaton Carew FC, Bernie Kelly, Seaton Carew FC president,and Councillor Paul Thompson.
From left, Carl Sweeting, vice-chairman of Seaton Carew FC, Bernie Kelly, Seaton Carew FC president,and Councillor Paul Thompson.
A piece of potentially life saving equipment at a busy club has been made more accessible thanks to the support of a local councillor.

An £800 contribution from Seaton councillor Paul Thompson’s ward member budget has paid for a secure cabinet for Seaton Carew Sports and Social Club’s defibrillator machine.

It means it can now be accessed more quickly in an emergency at the busy venue, and some of the cash will pay to train people how to use the device.

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Carl Sweeting, vice chairman of Seaton Carew Football Club, which is based at the club on Elizabeth Way, said: “We are already a defibrillator-friendly club, but before we had to store it inside and wasn’t readily accessible to the members or the local community.

“We felt we had a moral obligation to our members. We have teams from 18 months old to over 50s, so it’s vitally important to provide access to the defibrillator should the worst happen.

“We would like to thank Paul and Hartlepool Borough Council for making the funds available to purchase the cabinet.”

Each of Hartlepool’s 33 borough councillors have a budget of £4,000 a year to support projects and good causes in their ward.

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Coun Thompson said: “It is no secret I have never been fond of the ward member budgets. However, I think something like this, which is not only of benefit to a thriving club but also to the local community, is money well invested.

“There are a number of these cropping up around the town. God forbid anyone ever needs to use it, but if they do every second counts.

“I’m hoping this is the first of two that will be put into Seaton.

“I have been speaking to officers about putting a defibrillator and cabinet somewhere near the seafront so we can protect users of this club and residents but also where tourists are visiting, and that’s another selling point for Seaton and its regeneration.”

Three people will be trained to use the club’s defibrillator.