Judge warns Hartlepool kickboxer he is facing jail for 'vicious' assault on man he accused of chatting up his girlfriend

The assault took place at Summerhill country park in Hartlepool last July.The assault took place at Summerhill country park in Hartlepool last July.
The assault took place at Summerhill country park in Hartlepool last July.
A kickboxer has been warned he is facing jail for a vicious assault on a man he accused of coming onto his girlfriend.

Dylan Smith, 20, kicked and punched the victim several times, including to the head while he was on the floor, in front of shocked witnesses at Summerhill Country Park in Hartlepool.

The victim had agreed to meet with Smith to try to smooth things over after being accused of trying to come on to Smith’s girlfriend the night before.

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Teesside Crown Court heard the girl had tried to kiss the victim who later explained to Smith he did not know she had a boyfriend and nothing had happened.

Dr Christopher Wood, prosecuting, said Smith gave the victim a thumbs up sign when he arrived at Summerhill on July 19 last year, but added: “What then proceeds is a detailed and vicious assault."

After punching the victim several times to the face Dr Wood said: “The complainant turns round and the defendant grabs his leg, lifts him into the air and performs a body slam to the floor.

"Once on the floor the defendant continued with further punches before kicking the complainant whilst on the ground, those kicks hitting to the head area numerous times.”

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Much of the attack was witnessed by a woman who was with her nine-year-old child who was left hysterical and frightened.

Smith, of Roseberry Road, Hartlepool, got in his car and drove away but returned just moments later with others.

He punched the man several more times including after getting him in a headlock before he left saying: “Stay away from my lass.”

The victim, who is an athlete, suffered extensive bruising and swelling, had trouble eating solids and could not train fully for some time afterwards.

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Dr Wood added: “It’s great sheer luck it wasn’t more significant injuries sustained.”

The court heard Smith, who admitted actual bodily harm, has no previous convictions and references showed a different side to him.

The Recorder of Middlesbrough Judge Paul Watson QC adjourned sentence until April for a report to be prepared.

He told Smith: “I want you to be clear the way I regard this is an extremely serious assault which would otherwise call for an immediate custodial sentence.

"That’s what I have uppermost in my mind.”

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