Craig Hignett not completely happy with Pools players despite win '“ here's why

Craig HignettCraig Hignett
Craig Hignett
Hartlepool United boss Craig Hignett was disappointed by the way his players took their foot of the gas last night.

Pools were three goals up and cruising at half-time against Morecambe, thanks to strikes from Padraig Amond, Billy Paynter and Nicky Featherstone but ended up only scraping to a 3-2 win at the Northern Gas & Power Stadium.

Hignett says he was disappointed by the second period dished up by his side.

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And he knows that, in order to turn the club’s season around, Pools will have to improve immeasurably, if they are to continue to climb the League Two table.

Hignett said: “We want to push on and we didn’t and we sat off and tried to see it through without affecting it.

“Three up and you take your foot off the gas and it’s hard to get going again. They got a one at the end to make it closer.

“But to get to three up it was good stuff. We wanted a quick start and got it.”

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Reflecting back on the goals, he said: “The first was really good. We had a bit of luck with the penalty and a really good team goal for the third.

“It was pleasing to see.”

One of the big things Hignett deployed on the evening was a switch back the controversial three at the back.

He feels like the tactic worked perfectly. Hignett said: “We changed the way we played and it worked.

“We didn’t play or be as pleasing on the eye as it can be with 4-3-3. Two up front and we went a bit longer and it worked and scored three and then stopped doing what we were doing.

“We knew set-pieces would be important and didn’t defend the second one well. Most important tonight was the result, we knew it could be scrappy.”