Charity appeals for summer donations to foodbanks

The Trussell Trust is appealing for donations.The Trussell Trust is appealing for donations.
The Trussell Trust is appealing for donations.
The biggest network of foodbanks has appealed for donations to deal with an expected increase in demand for emergency supplies for children this summer.

The Trussell Trust said its 420 foodbanks provided more than 204,000 three-day emergency supplies last summer, 74,000 of which went to children, 3,500 more than in May and June.

The charity said more than a third of food distributed by its network throughout the year goes to children, but there is extra financial pressure to provide main meals during the school holidays for families who rely on free school meals.

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Last summer more food was distributed by the Trust than was donated, prompting the charity to ask the public to help out this year.

Samantha Stapley, director of operations at the Trussell Trust, said: "Foodbanks cannot, and must not, be a long-term solution to hunger at any time of year.