Big poll majority favours the new opt-out organ donation system

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The NHS ‘Pass it on’ campaign has been launched with the aim of encouraging people to talk about organ donation.

From spring 2020, all adults in England will be considered to have agreed to donate their organs when they die, unless they opt out or are in an exempt group.

So we asked in our Facebook poll: “Do you think an opt-out system is the best way forward?” At the time of writing 225 people had voted, of which 78% said yes, 22% no.

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Trevor Craddy said: “I've been signed up for years. Any bits of me that will improve the life of someone still living, they’re welcome.”

Emma Stainsby said: “I already opted out. The only topic of conversation on Christmas Day for dinner will be who is eating the most sprouts. Lol.”

Karl Schut was not altogether keen to talk, saying: “This should make for festive conversation around the dinner table.”

Sarah Laidler said: “I think people are more likely to make the effort and opt out than they are to make the effort and sign up. I’m on the donor register, I have been since I was 18.”

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Anna Brotherton has misgivings, saying: “Everyone should be an organ donor. But I dunno, there's something about the government having a default claim to your organs that makes me uncomfortable.”

Suzanne Smith said: “I think organ donation should be compulsory, not a choice. You don't need your organs when you die.”

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